From 17 to 19 April 2018 the LIVESEED partners met in Valencia at the Polytechnic University of Valencia to discuss the project activities.
The 55 participants shared their results and experiences from the first project year. Research strategies and concepts were exchanged, discussions about the set-up of surveys and economic models as well as developing a new innovative breeding model were part of the program.
The advisory board supported the group by sharing knowledge from the US, two upcoming EU projects, long-term research and policy experience. Organic food from local suppliers and the visit to farmer Vicent Martí in the Horta region illustrated the Spanish organic sector.
Some of the LIVESEED activities in the next months are:
- field trials in carrot, tomato, lupine, winter wheat
- surveys for seed suppliers and farmers
- national visits to Poland and Italy
The coordinator IFOAM EU, would like to thank Polytechnic University Valencia (UPV) and the Spanish organisation of organic farming (SEAE) for the organisation of the meeting.