uring the last months the project partners have visited Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Hungary, Greece, Bulgaria and Romania to understand, evaluate and analyse the current state of organic seed in the countries. National project partners have organised meetings with the ministry, certifiers, seed producers and organic farmers. Information has been exchanged on the practices, problems and opportunities regarding organic seed.
After visi

ting seven countries it became clear that many national differences exist: the organic seed databases are developed and used to a varying extent; and organic seed production ranges from farmer-led to mainly dependent on external imports. In all countries we met motivated stakeholders that want to increase organic seed production and use, and from every country the project collected best-practices and inspirations that will be published.
The next step of the project is to organise regional workshops to bring the stakeholders together to discuss the future actions to reach the aim of 100% organic seed. For further questions, please
contact us.