Project video
This video introduces the LIVESEED project. Project partners explain the need to boost organic seed and plant breeding.
The video is accessible under this link.
What is organic plant breeding?
Read the common position and definition on organic plant breeding from the European Consortium for Organic Plant Breeding (ECO-PB). LIVESEED partners consider the 14 criteria laid out in this position paper as the foundation of their work. In this other document you can read LIVESEED’s definition for organic cultivar development.
Project leaflet
Read more about the LIVESEED aims and objectives in your language:
Project presentation
LIVESEED general project presentation (September 2017)
Seeds are the foundation of farming. We must ensure that farmers have organic seed available both in terms of proper quality and sufficient quantity, and at the time when they are needed. In most EU Member States, there is a lack of high-quality organic seeds or the amount of such seed is limited, and farmers are therefore allowed to request derogations to use conventional untreated seeds instead. These derogations, however, in line with the new EU organic regulation (Regulation (EU) 2018/848), will be phased out by the end of 2035, therefore the market and all stakeholders in the organic sector must prepare to tackle the problems around the production and availability of organic seed.
Transparency within the EU organic seed market and the implementation of EU legislation requirements on a national level need to be improved. In order to understand how to best approach these, first we need sufficient information on available seed. This information is essential to build national and EU policy and incentives to promote the use of organic seed. LIVESEED will therefore analyse national databases, the factors influencing organic seed production and use, explore national policy environments and best practices in the EU and build infrastructure (a European router database) that facilitates the information exchange on seed at the EU level.
The amount and quality of organic seed that is suitable for Organic Agriculture need to be increased through targeted breeding. Some conventional seed perform well in organic systems, but they need to be organically propagated and the costs related to that (such as registration, testing) and other difficulties (lacking testing protocols and guidelines specific to organic) reduces the interest of seed companies to produce organic seed. LIVESEED will analyse the issues around propagation and improve necessary testing protocols in order to improve the availability of organic seeds that come with an adaptability for organic farming, having specific traits such as tolerance or resistance against pest, diseases, ability to compete weeds, or present high nutrient use efficiency.
It is important that the varieties used are resilient enough to secure yields under a variety of conditions. LIVESEED will carry out research to better understand what improves resilience.
Research has shown that the type of market influences producers’ choice of seeds and varieties, and it is necessary to investigate the range of economic and social factors influencing the use of organic versus non-organic seed from a market point of view.
LIVESEED will furthermore carry out capacity building and knowledge transfer bridging the disconnect between stakeholders in organic agriculture with the issues on organic seed and breeding.
The 4-year project (2017-2021) will help to establish a level playing field in the organic seed market across Europe, improve the competitiveness of the organic seed and breeding sector, and encourage greater use of organic seeds by farmers. Read more about organic seed & plant breeding.
The LIVESEED project is coordinated by IFOAM EU and FiBL Switzerland, and consists of 36 partners and 14 third linked parties from 18 EU countries.
LIVESEED is funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 727230 and by the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) under contract number 17.00090.
“Establish a well-functioning organic seed and breeding sector is key for improving organic farming in Europe”
Riccardo Bocci, Rete Semi Rurali