As a result of COVID-19 developments, it was decided that the International Conference on breeding innovations for organic food systems, due to take place in CĒSIS, LATVIA, will instead be held online. Dates remain the same, 8-10 March 2021.
Further changes concern the following deadlines:
- Abstract submission EXTENDED: 10 December 2020
- Decision on abstract acceptance: 31 January 2021
- End of registration: 28 February 2021
Main topics of the conference will be:
- Exploring underutilized genetic resources
- Breeding for diversity
- Breeding for culinary and nutritional quality
- Living soil – plant interactions
- Organic production of high quality & healthy seed
- Multi-actor & participatory approaches
- Socio-economic analysis of seed systems
- Market & consumers aspects
- Regulatory & policy opportunities
- Sustainability assessment
Want to submit your abstract? Then hurry up, you have time until 10 December 2020!
For more information and details, visit the official conference website or download the conference flyer.
The International Conference on breeding innovations for organic food systems is organised by Eucarpia Organic and Low Input Section together with LIVESEED, BRESOV, ECOBREED, FLPP, ECO-PB and AREI. Besides being the 5th conference of the EUCARPIA Organic and Low Input Section, it will also be the final LIVESEED conference.