On 9 May 2018 the carrot seeds were sown for a LIVESEED experiment on seed health and quality issues. The experiment is aimed to compare the performance of carrot seed lots infected with the Alternaria radicina fungus pathogen (causal agent of black rot). Three infected seed lots with different levels of seed vigour have been sown after receiving either a hot water treatment or not. Emergence and seedling establishment will be monitored, as well the growth of the crop. After harvest carrots will be stored to analyse development of black rot symptoms.
The field experiment is located at the experimental farm of Vitalis, in Voorst (NL). In this task scientists from Wageningen University & Research work together with four seed companies: Bejo, Bingenheimer Saatgut, Sativa-Rheinau and Vitalis. The coordinator for this experiment is Dr. Steven P.C. Groot (email: steven.groot@wur.nl).