You might have noticed that IFOAM EU recently updated its identity, with a new logo and a new website on a new domain (, all referring to ‘IFOAM Organics Europe’ (IFOAM OE).
With the recent political developments and the growth of the organisation in terms of relevance, visibility, and outreach over the last years, IFOAM EU decided that the time was right to update its presence and better show the ambitions of its community.
Here is the new Research & Innovation page, where LIVESEED is presented:
In terms of mission and work focus, nothing will change: how IFOAM OE operates, its sponsorship agreements, the topics it is working on, the composition of the office team, as well as its legal name will remain the same.
On a practical note, since 15 July IFOAM OE’s email addresses also reflect the domain change, so for instance if you need to get in touch with IFOAM OE’s LIVESEED coordinator Agnes Bruszik you should do so using
Please also remember that you now find IFOAM OE on social media using @OrganicsEurope. If you would tag them in a message, please do so using @OrganicsEurope and/or using #EUorganic2030, #IFOAMEU, #OrganicsEurope.
IFOAM OE’s new logo should be placed on all online and printed publications published after 1 July 2020. There is no need to replace it in publications from before this date.
Should you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to get in touch with Agnes Bruszik at
We invite you to adjust your website bookmarks and email address book. The entire IFOAM OE office’s new email addresses are also available on the new website.