Robust seed systems are central to sustainable food systems that are renewable, resilient, equitable, diverse, inclusive, healthy, and interconnected. In light of critical global challenges there is an urgent need to maintain and enhance agricultural biodiversity. The Shared Action Framework for Resilient Seed Systems (SAF) has been developed in response to address this salient issue.
Who and what is SAF?
The Shared Action Framework for Resilient Seed Systems is a digital initiative of the Global Alliance for the Future of Food. Designed as a strategic guide for diverse stakeholders to take a holistic, collaborative approach to protecting and enhancing the world’s seed systems and help galvanize the action on biodiversity, SAF was set up in collaboration with 93 entities from around the world.
Collaborators range from farmers, indigenous peoples, and policymakers to researchers, donors, and diverse organizations and institutions. These entities convened in Mexico in 2018 to develop shared priorities to address threats to agricultural biodiversity. An implementation committee now meets regularly to advance priorities set out in the Shared Action Framework. If you’d like to join the committee, please get in touch with the Global Alliance for the Future of Food!
Lauren Baker, Director of Programs at the Global Alliance for the Future of Food, said:
“If we are to meet the biodiversity goals set for 2030 and beyond, resilient seed systems must be on the agenda. In this critical year for nature, we need a paradigm shift in our approach to food systems. Seeds are at the heart of the future of food and a place where we can make an immediate and meaningful impact. The priorities set out in this Shared Action Framework will serve to conserve and enhance the extraordinary diversity of seed systems we rely on today and to address the critical food, biodiversity and climate challenges we all face.”
The authors celebrate the rich systems of knowledge held by Indigenous Peoples, especially their ecological and cultural stewardship that protects agricultural biodiversity. They also acknowledge how fundamental resilient seed systems are to the everyday practices of small-scale farmers that feed 70 per cent of the world’s population.
SAF is also available in Spanish!
Help us spread the word!
Building on momentum around the “Super Year for Nature”, SAF has been launched to coincide with the UN Convention on Biological Diversity’s Working Group meeting in Rome and the World Biodiversity Forum in Davos. As such, the Global Alliance for the Future of Food will share related content online and through its social networks using a combination of hashtags: #SeedDiversity #WorldBiodiversityForum #NatureNow and #Biodiversity2020
If you can share news about the recent SAF launch, the Global Alliance for the Future of Food has generated social media posts for you to use:
Great news! Today @futureoffoodorg has launched a new Shared Action Framework for Resilient Seed Systems. Seeds are the foundation of our food systems. Take action to protect and enhance #biodiversity today: #SeedDiversity
Diverse seed systems are central to sustainable food systems. Take a look at this Shared Action Framework for Resilient Seed Systems from @futureoffoodorg – out today! – & discover how you can take action to protect #biodiversity: #SeedDiversity #NatureNow
Additional resources
Full SAF press release
SAF blog entry