On this page you will find information about LIVESEED in the media.
For media inquiries, please contact bram.moeskops@organicseurope.bio.
LIVESEED in the news
Article on the LIVESEED project and its results by BIONEXT, in EKOLAND magazine, September 2021
Article on LIVESEED results and the future of organic seed production in Spanish BIO ECO Actual magazine, September 2021
A roadmap and vision towards 100% ORGANIC SEED IN EUROPE article by Agnes Bruszik (IFOAM Organics Europe), Maaike Raajmakers (Bionext, Netherlands), Dr. Monika Messmer (FiBL-CH) Organic Matters; Summer 2021
Article on LIVESEED’s results in Latvian magazine “Biologiski”, July 2021
Article on Genetic markers for bunt resistance from LIVESEED – Agrologica’s newsletter, May 2021
Article on LIVESEED’s progress – RSR Newsletter, May 2021
Kas Eiropā virza bioloģiski audzētas sēklas izmantošanu (What factors drive the use of organic seeds in Europe). Article in Latvian by Ilze DIMANTE and Ilze SKRABULE on AgroTops, May 2021.
Goal 2035. When will we have organic seeds in organic farming? Article in Bio Eco’s newsletter by Sementes Vivas LSSV, 10 May 2021
100% organic seed EU 2035? | Bejo Corporate Article by Bram Weijland, Organic Affairs Coordinator at Bejo Seed Company
New research on seed health emphasises the importance of organic seed, article by Phil Sumption on Seed Co-Operative; 11 March 2021
Planting the seeds of a sustainable organic farming future, success story article of the European Commission on the project; 19 April 2021. Available in: EN, IT, DE, BG, BG, ES, FR, PL, SV
“Herausragende Arbeiten” für die gesamte Branche – Forschungspreis auf der Biofach 2020 verliehen, Büro Lebensmittelkunde & Qualität GmbH; Press release, 13 February 2020
organicXseeds now also available in Denmark, FiBL Projekte GmbH; Press release, 24 February 2020
organicXseeds nun auch in Dänemark verfügbar, FiBL Projekte GmbH; Medienmitteilung, 24. Februar 2020
L’Union européenne s’ouvre aux semences de populations, article by Frédéric PRAT on Inf’OGM; 2 March 2020
Les bios pourront bientôt semer des semences de populations, article by Frédéric PRAT on Inf’OGM; 2 March 2020
Seeds of a bright organic future, article by Michael BARKER on Fresh Produce Journal; 14 April 2020
On the future of certified organic seed, article by Péter MIKÓ (ATK MGI), Dóra DREXLER (ÖMKi), Judit FEHÉR (ÖMKi), Mária MEGYERI (ATK MGI) and Emília APOSTOL (VSZT); 2020
Cultivar testing for organic agriculture, article by Kaja Gutzen and Agnes Bruszik (IFOAM OE), Organic Matters; Summer 2020
Advances to develop and commercialism organic heterogeneous material in the EU, article by Kaja Gutzen and Agnes Bruszik (IFOAM OE), Ambrogio Costanzo (ORC), Organic Matters; Summer 2020
On-farm apple breeding: Interview with Niklaus Bolliger, founder of Poma Culta, interview by Katharina Meyer (FiBL Deutschland), The Organic Grower No 52; Autumn 2020
Bio-Lupinen – Hoffnungsvolle neue Sorten, article by Christine Arncken (FiBL-CH), UFA-REVUE 11|2020
Lupins bio – Nouvelles variétés prometteuses, Christine Arncken (FiBL-CH), REVUE UFA 11|2020
Organic seed production must have good foundations, Druva Magazin, Latvia; 2|2019
Organic seed production must have good foundations, Latvian National magazine “Saimnieks”; 2|2019
Az ökológiai vetőmagok elterjedéséért dolgoznak, Magyar Mezőgazdaság,hu; 3|2019
Wie Planzen ständig chatten, article by Eva NYDEGGER and Heiner SCHMITT on Coopzeitung; 17 April 2019
Erbsen sollen in Mischung überzeugen, article by Susanne SIGRIST ON Schweizer Bauer; 8 June 2019.
Eerste stappen gezet, Ekoland; 9|2019
Vai Eiropa gatava. Jaunajai biologiskas lauksaimniecibas regulai?, article in Latvian by Ilze DIMANTE and Ilze SKRABULE on Agro Tops; December 2019
Selekcija un jaunas metodes (Breeding and new methods), article in Latvian by Monika SPROĢE on Druva; 18 December 2019
Biopflanzenzüchtung im Aufwind, Schweizer Bauer; Samstag 28.Juli 2018
Züchtung für den Biolandbau, BIOAKTUELL; 8|2018
La sélection pour l’agriculture bio, BIOACTUALITÉS; 8|2018
Selezione per l’agricoltura bio, BIOATTUALITA; 8|2018
The seed sector in Latvia, European Seed; Volume 4, Issue 3, p.64-66; September 2017
LIVESEED project page, EIP-AGRI
Nur vermehrt oder auch gezüchtet? Öko-Züchtung ist mehr als Bio-Saatgut, BNN Nachrichten; 4/2017, p. 20-21