Dear Visitor!
Thank you for your interest in the LIVESEED project. The project, after 52 months, concluded on 30th September 2021.
And although we will not update anymore the site with news and posts, we hope that you find the plethora of uploaded resources, tools, PAs, booklets, videos, research reports, and presentations useful for your work.
Please also visit the Organic FarmKnowledge Platform, the ECO-PB site for news connected to Organic Plant Breeding, the OrganicEPrints for scientific news in organic, and the EU Router Database.
The website will be kept public until September 2024, then archived by IFOAM Organics Europe.
Should you have questions regarding the site or the results, please contact us at or, or Dr. Monika Messmer at FiBL-CH at
It was a pleasure to collaborate on the issue of organic seed and plant breeding, and we are very grateful for everyone’s commitment and contribution to advance these fields through these years!