May 5, 13:00-15:00 (Vienna time), virtual event
Monitoring seed infection rates is the main control measure allowing for the management of common bunt in wheat and related cereals. This is true in general, and for organic farming in particular. Many European countries have specific requirements or norms to limit the presence of common bunt spores on certified seeds, either through seed analyses or through field inspection.
A workshop on common bunt requirements and norms for cereal seed production and their implications for bunt management in organic farming will be held online on May 5th, from 13:00-15:00 (Vienna time), as a satellite to the XXI International Workshop on Bunt and Smut Diseases.
Taking into account the range of different bunt requirements in place in different European countries, the aim of the satellite workshop is to facilitate the exchange of experiences and discussion on common bunt management in organic systems across countries. The workshop targets professionals concerned by common bunt requirements, including organic seed producers, officials and researchers. This satellite workshop is hosted by the Horizon 2020 projects ECOBREED and LIVESEED. Program and more information will be posted here.
Registration for this Satellite Workshop is mandatory >> Register here
Contact: Stephanie Klaedtke