#BreedingABrightFuture is LIVESEED’s social media campaign, aiming at raising awareness about the beauty and benefits of organic plant breeding to the wider public.
Using the hashtag #BreedingABrightFuture on Twitter, we call upon organic breeders to share their views and messages on how the sector contributes, amongst others, to sustainability and biodiversity, climate change adaptation, healthier and more diverse diets through increased nutrient content, and generates collaborations among different actors of the food system and the value chain. The campaign will be active for about 5 months, leading to the LIVESEED-EUCARPIA Conference on 08-10 March 2021.
Photo contest – #BreedingABrightFutureContest
As part of the campaign, until 20 November 2020 photos and key messages representing the beauty and the societal, economic and environmental benefits of organic breeding can enter the contest on Twitter using the hashtag #BreedingABrightFutureContest. The winner will receive a “secret” prize that will be handed out during the LIVESEED Final Conference for Stakeholders and Policymakers, taking place online on 24 November 2020.
- The photos must be your own work.
- Image resolution: On Twitter, the ideal image size and aspect ratio are 1200px X 675px and 16:9, respectively. The maximum file size is 5MB for photos.
- To be eligible for the contest, photos must be published until 20 November 2020 (It doesn’t matter when you took the photo).
- Videos and other types of moving image; non-photographic works such as drawings; or computer-generated works are not eligible.
- The winner will be contacted via Twitter PM and will be asked to attend the LIVESEED Final Conference for Stakeholders and Policymakers (online) on 24 November 2020.
- A jury will select the winner Tweet.