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Organic Seed Production, Seed Cleaning, processing and storage
Creating dynamic and diverse populations
Managing on-farm populations
Seed treatments allowed in organic farming in certain countries (Input list)
Co-design of locally adapted wheat variety mixtures
Proper seed storage
Practice abstract also available in the following language: FRENCHBiodynamic alternatives to CMS hybrids
How to become an organic seed grower in Latvia
Practice abstract also available in the following language: LATVIANHow to improve organic seed production for carrots and cauliflower
How to evaluate weed competitiveness in cereals
Pre-sprouting of potato seed tubers
Practice abstract also available in the following language: LATVIANHow to produce organic heterogeneous material of sweet corn
How to produce seed of heterogeneous populations of inbred cereals
Seed quality and health under organic management
Managing common bunt in wheat seed lots
Practice abstract also available in the following language: FRENCHHow to minimise damage by aphids in organic faba bean production
Seed health in potatoes
Seed vigour keep it high
Practice abstract also available in the following language: FRENCHCalorespirometry – A phenotyping tool to assess pea germination efficiency under different temperatures
Use of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-NIR) to assess seed viability and varietal discrimination – Pisum sativum as a case study
Application of acetic acid as a seed treatment in organic cereal seed
Treating wheat seed with vinegar against common bunt
Practice abstract also available in the following language: FRENCHSusceptibility of winter wheat cultivars to various isolates of common bunt (Tilletia caries)
Organic Plant Breeding and variety trials
How to assess weed competitiveness in organic cultivar trials with wheat
How to set up a simplified on-farm cultivar trial to assess broccoli
How to set up an on-farm cultivar trial to score for leaf blight in carrots
How to identify potato cultivars that are resistant to late blight
Guidelines for on-farm variety testing
Towards ecological and societal resilience through systems-based plant breeding
How to breed an organic forage crop variety
Co-design and assessment of locally adapted wheat variety mixtures
Preservation of traditional varieties in the region of Valencia
Heterogeneous spring barley populations in Latvia
Special characters of varieties for organic farming in wheat
Organic wheat variety testing by a network of farmers
How to create diversified variety mixtures thanks based on gene bank resources
Comparison of two breeding strategies for soft wheat populations
Influence of location and human selection on two soft wheat populations
Usability of results from conventional trials for organic rye cultivation
Usability of results from conventional trials for organic triticale cultivation
How to increase the efficiency of cultivar choice in organic farming
On-farm breeding for wheat mixtures
Economics and Regulation of organic seeds (including contracting, certification and market issues)
How to access organic seeds in Hungary
Cooperatives a model to improve organic seed production
The cell fusion-free vegetable list helps organic farmers to find suitable cultivars
How to improve organic seed availability in Bulgaria
Practice abstract also available in the following language: BULGARIANOrganic seed from community seed banks
The obligation to use organic seed – farmers awareness
Practice abstract also available in the following language: DUTCHThe difference between certified organic seed and “untreated” conventional seed
Values and benefits of organic seeds and vegetative propagating material
Legal limitations for the use of organic and new genetically diverse seeds in Spain
How to improve organic cereal seed availability in Hungary
Incentives to use organic seeds set up by the supermarkets
Greening urban gardens with local vegetable varieties
Expert evaluation of varieties in the organic seed database
Italian Organic Seed Database
Farm saved seed: what rules?
Conservation varieties in Italy
Marketing of heterogeneous material: EU experiences
Marketing a genetically diverse wheat: YQ in the UK
How to become a producer of certified organic seed in Romania
Introduction of new varieties to the market
How to set up a community seed bank
Tools to identify heterogeneous cultivars 1: constitution
Tools to identify heterogeneous cultivars 2: traceability
Tools to identify heterogeneous cultivars 3: description
Farmers’ perspectives on the use of organic seed in European organic agriculture
Organic seed for forage crops: recommendations for a level playing field