Watch WP2 webinars on cultivar testing for organic
Cultivars adapted to the diversity of organic farming systems and agroecological environments are key elements for boosting organic farms’ productivity, their yield stability and the quality of their end products. Well organized breeding and post-registration cultivar testing networks can deliver information required by farmers to choose the cultivars best suited for their needs.
To foster the development of these networks by proving key resources to set them up and/or to optimize them, LIVESEED (ITAB and IFOAM OE) organized 3 webinars on the 3rd of September and the 4th of November 2020.
Webinar #1 – Experimental designs and statistical methods and tools relevant for decentralized on-farm breeding – Pierre Rivière (Mètis)
This webinar describes experimental designs and statistical methods and tools that are relevant for decentralized on-farm breeding. Several analyses are illustrated: agronomic, sensory and network topology. A decision tree to perform the appropriated analysis according to objectives and experimental constraints as well as the R package PPBstats is presented by Pierre. For more details, please download Diversifood Booklet #3.
The webinar is accessible under this link.
Download the presentation (slides 5-30).
Webinar #2 – How can citizen science be applied for cost-efficient organic variety testing in Europe – Jacob van Etten (Alliance Bioversity-CIAT)
Jacob Van Etten is research director for Digital Inclusion in the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT. He participated to the development of ClimMob, a platform designed for on-farm testing at scale. Many farmers from different countries participated to this crowdsourced project. This presentation focuses on citizen engagement in this project and provides inputs on how citizen science could be applied for cost-efficient organic variety testing in Europe.
The webinar is accessible under this link.
Download the presentation (slides 31-51).
Webinar #3 – The SeedLinked tool and initiative – Nicolas Enjalbert (SeedLinked CEO)
In this webinar, Nicolas Enjalbert (PhD), CEO and Co-Founder, presents SeedLinked, an emerging collaborative data sharing platform that connects people and data to help characterize, breed, source, and harvest the best. SeedLinked was created to increase the amount and quality of information available on variety performance in different regions. Seedlinked is to be available to anyone, from plant breeders, to commercial growers, to home gardeners. In just one click, see what variety is best for your region and needs. Seedlinked is founded upon the core values of collaboration, transparency, decentralization, and open access. SeedLinked is a particularly useful tool to facilitate collaborative trials with real-time information shared among users (growers and breeders/trialing organization). UW Madison, Organic Seed Alliance, Seed Savers Exchange and SeedLinked are collaborating to beta test the platform through two joint USDA Grant since fall 2018 with currently 1800 growers through North America and across more than 20 vegetable crops and small grains.
The webinar is accessible under this link.
Download the presentation.
Watch DE-CH cross-visit webinars (summer 2020)
One of LIVESEED’s knowledge sharing activities consisted in Cross Visits, where organic seed experts and practitioners of various European countries participated in structured field trips hosted by LIVESEED partners of different countries. During the visits the participants had the opportunity to learn from specific organic seed and breeding initiatives, as well as exchanging knowledge and experiences with one another. Cross visits took place in France (2018), Italy (2019) and The Netherlands (2019). The last Cross Visit, planned for May 2020 in Germany and Switzerland, due to Covid was converted to a series of online meetings and Webinars, which you can access on this page. The full report is available here.
Webinar #1 – Traditional and innovative fruit production in Baden-Württemberg (DE) – Orchard museum (28 May 2020)
Ute Ellwein from Landratsamt Karlsruhe gives an overview of traditional and innovative fruit production methods in Baden-Wurttemberg
The webinar is accessible under this link.
Webinar #2 – Technical aspects of apple breeding with Poma Culta, Switzerland (2 June 2020)
Niklaus Bolliger is an organic fruit grower, apple breeder and founder of Poma Culta an organisation dedicated to breeding new apple varieties for organic growing since the early 1990s
The webinar is accessible under this link.
Webinar #3 – Research activities in fruit and berry cultivation technique at FiBL (10 June 2020)
Michael Friedli from FiBL-CH talks about his research on fruit propagation and organic cultivation technology for cherry, apricot and berries
The webinar is accessible under this link.
Watch WP1 webinars on the EU Router Database (April-May 2021)
In the framework of the Horizon 2020 funded LIVESEED project, FiBL-Germany developed the EU-wide router database for organic seeds which will allow seed suppliers and suppliers for plant reproductive material to offer their organic propagated seeds and planting material to all EU-member states as well as Switzerland and UK from one single platform.
A series of online trainings were offered on the use of the EU Router Organic Seed Database. The trainings were free of charge and were held by FiBL that developed the database. The platform can be found under
Training for national authorities on the EU Router Database (26 April 2021)
The webinar is accessible under this link.
Training for seed suppliers and seed producers on the EU Router Database (28 April 2021)
The webinar is accessible under this link.
Training for seed suppliers and seed producers on the EU Router Database (5 May 2021) (in German)
The webinar is accessible under this link.