LIVESEED project partner ITAB Institute just released a brand new webpage on common bunt management. Previously available in French only, thanks to the commitment of ITAB’s Stéphanie Klaedtke, this very useful piece of information has now been translated into English and thus made available to a much broader public.
The webpage, hosted by ITAB’s website, covers a comprehensive range of questions on the matter of common bunt:
- What is it?
- What are the symptoms and how to detect them?
- How to treat infected seedlots?
- What are the levers of bunt management?
Once more, a heartfelt thank you to our partner ITAB for this endeavour!
Do you feel like common bunt is a sensitive topic for your Country? Do you reckon it would be of added value to make this knowledge available in your language too? Then reach out to us and volunteer for further translations!
Want more material on common bunt? You might be interested in watching the videos on common bunt management and treatment we published earlier this Autumn! Check them out in our Video section.