North-Western Workshop 10 September 2020
Introductory presentation to the international workshop on vegetative propagating material (by Eric Gall, IFOAM Organics Europe)
Propagating material for ornamental plants (by Andrea Frankenberg, Bioland)
- The EU legal framework. Vegetative Propagating Material in the New EU Organic Regulation (by Martin Sommer, IFOAM Organics Europe)
State of the Art: The availability and use of organic seed potatoes and smart practices in the regulation in Northwestern Europe (by Maaike Raaijmakers and Niels Heining, Bionext)
Organic vegetative material of hard fruits – apple and pear (by Freya Schaefer, FiBL Germany)
Organic plant reproductive material for raspberries (by Sam Neefs, Proefcentrum Pamel)