Read the full report on the event
Session 1
Aim of the workshop and Introduction to the LIVESEED project
State of the Art on the implementation of the regulation on organic seed in Northwestern Europe (by Maaike Raaijmakers and Niels Heining, Bionext)
Status-quo on supply and demand of organic seed in Europe (by Freya Schäfer, FiBL Germany)
Session 2
Smart practices, Denmark: Expert evaluation of varieties in seed database (by Tove Mariegaard Pedersen, Danish Agriculture& Food Council, SEGES Organic Innovation; Troels Battrup Andersen, Ministry of Environment and Food of Denmark, The Danish Agricultural Agency)
Examples of Best Practices Netherlands from the perspective of Bejo (by Bram Weijland, Bejo)
Organization of the seed system in organic farming in France (By Mélanie VANPRAËT-HABY)
Session 3
Organic Heterogeneous Material, what is it and what are the potential benefits for the organic sector? (By Matteo Petitti, Rete Semi Rurali)
How to set up a National Annex (by Maaike Raaijmakers, Bionext)
The EU legal framework – Update on Seeds in the New EU Organic Regulation (by Martin Sommer, IFOAM Organics Europe)
Session 5
How to adapt the seed database to the new organic regulation (by Xenia Gatzert, FiBL Germany)
EU-level Router Database (by Freya Schäfer, FiBL Germany)