LIVESEED Final Event T5.2.3
The report of the event can be accessed here.
Presentation by Monika Messmer, Scientific Coordinator of LIVESEED will present the main outcomes of the Horizon 2020 project LIVESEED, with a focus on results impacting European and national policy-making, as well as the main innovations arising from the project: Highlights and policy recommendations of LIVESEED: improving transparency and competitiveness of the organic seed and breeding sector
Presentations of the Workshop: Organic varieties in the organic regulation (The objective of the workshop was to present and discuss the new definition of organic varieties in the organic regulation and the possibilities to work with adapted registration procedures for organic varieties during the upcoming temporary experiment)
Presentations of the Workshop: New models of cultivar testing for organic farming (LIVESEED designed “New models of cultivar testing for organic agriculture”. These new models for pre/post-registration cultivar testing are intending to be frugal, multi-actor, decentralized, able to produce high-quality data and on-farm. This workshop will present Liveseed outcomes on this issue and open an interactive discussion with participants. This discussion aims to collect feedback on outcomes presented to finetune recommendations and to consider next steps and further cooperation opportunities)
Presentations of the Workshop: Innovative breeding approaches for organic farming (Awareness of the interrelatedness of policy with actual breeding practices is very important. A policy can stimulate the development of new sustainable diversity based breeding practices involving the whole value chain. The new organic regulation is an important first step. Can the new EU farm to fork strategy enable further steps? As a perspective, systems-based breeding will be used. The first concept of a toolbox allowing breeding for diversity will be presented. Lessons learned on building breeding networks will be presented.)
Presentations of the Workshop: Strengthening organic seed markets and business models (The objective of the workshop is (1) to provide an overview of the current situation of the organic seed market in Europe, and (2) to identify the opportunities for strengthening it. The analysis carried out within LIVESEED – e.g. current supply and demand for organic seed, best practices and incentives in place, modelling results of possible policy/private interventions – will serve as a basis for the discussion during the session with participants about recommendations for the sector)
Reaction from the European Commission (In a panel discussion, representatives of the European Commission will give feedback on the policy recommendations and policy results formulated in the LIVESEED project. Thomas Weber, DG Sante, Policy Officer in the Plant Health Unit, Working on Seed Chapters of the New Organic Regulation, and Patrizia Pitton, DG Agri, Policy Officer Organic Farming – Internal Policy and Regulation
Recordings are available under this link.